The Project:
Convert the Bujin Design site from the old back-end to
the new MiniVend backend. Integrate MiniVend into all
the product and checkout pages of the site. Update
the content on a monthly basis. Integrate the new
(provided) look and feel into the existing static
and MiniVend pages. Add a Newsletter sub-site with a
new edition each month.
What I did:
Created web pages for monthly newsletter and
specials from Word docs that showed the desired page
layout (often included trying to get high-quality photos
out of Word)
Wrote a script to create all the pages for a new
newsletter and added an entry to the archive page for
the previous month
Integrated new look and feel with MiniVend backend
Created optimized web images (gif/jpg) from provided
Photoshop mockup
Created HTML templates for first and second level pages
Converted the old site to new look (including
integrating the new look with the existing MiniVend
backend pages)
Tested cross-browser and cross-platform functionality of
all HTML